Columns Driver Education

Fall 2021 Driver Education

Here we are – the 2021 DE season is just about done, flying by way too quickly, but we had fun. 

We had a great event at Lime Rock in September.   So many people volunteer to run an event on a regular basis – we have our regular DE team (Todd, Chuck, Mark, Dan, Rick and Susan), we have people at Tech Line, consistently led by Chris Musante for 2021, our President Allen Fossbender helped at Pit In again, after helping in August, and of course, our terrific group of instructors.  At our September event we had Paul Roth,  CVR’s Photo Chair, come up to the track to take pictures of our drivers on track.  Here are some of the photographs that Paul shot:

The Green rungroup lined up, waiting to go out on track.
Front Straight at LRP.
Jason, in his striking blue 2015 Cayman, on the LRP Uphill.
Instructors David and Todd at the top of the Downhill

For all of our track enthusiasts, we still have our October 5/6 Watkins Glen Advanced DE and our November 6 Lime Rock Park events remaining on the calendar.    By the time you read this, it will probably be too late to attend the WGI event, but with November just a month away, there’s still time to get one last CVR track day in for the year. If you were not able to make an event this year we will look forward to seeing you next year.  We continue to follow safety guidelines to keep everyone safe and healthy so if you are on the fence, hop off and join us.  

Time flies.   Make the most of it.  A CVR DE track day is the perfect example of a day well spent.

Be safe.  See you at the track.


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