All 146 PCA Regions were recently asked to complete a “One Minute PCA AutoX Survey”. With a great reply rate, Regional Presidents from all of the 14 Zones weighed in about the state of their AutoX programs, or with the main reasons for not having one.

How does the CVR AutoX program stack up?
CVR is amongst the 33% of Regions that say they have a “strong AutoX program“ with “no real barriers” to holding them. Sadly 51% of the Regions reported not holding any AutoX events last year. Our PCA National AutoX Committee put together the survey to get exactly this kind of information and to see if we can help do something about it. If plans come true, that number should drop to 40% as many Regions are working to resume their former programs this year. That’s encouraging but many Regions struggle with not being able to find a site or a core team of enthusiasts to start the effort.
Another key goal of this survey was to raise awareness of our new PCA AutoX web page Take a look for yourself and tell me what you think. We’ve received lots of nice feedback about the content and how this now makes it easy to find “all things AutoX” in one spot. 75% of the replies stated that they were not previously aware of our new site but now are, so we’ll count the survey as a big success for that accomplishment alone. The site has over a dozen documents there to; help people become AutoXers (see 10 Tips To Enjoy Driving Your First AutoX); make it easier for experienced AutoXers to find information (AutoX Events calendar, and Autocross Minimum Standards for example); and help Regional AutoX Chairs start and refine their programs. One of the new documents “How to find an AutoX Site” will hopefully encourage a few more of those AutoX-less Regions into action as this was the number one reason given for not having an AutoX program. In fact, as a result of the survey, at least three Regions have already reached out to me indicating they are doing just that.

shown here at a 1990 class) it’s
clearer than ever, “Better Driving…”
should be the goal for all CVR
members, especially for street
driving events.
So what does all of this mean for you, a lucky CVR member? Well, if you have already participated in our “Better Driving…Faster!” AutoX events it means you should be proud. You are truly part of something special. If you have not tried one yet, we welcome you to join us and find out for yourself why our AutoX program is so popular. If you have driven in any CVR Rallies, Tours, Coffee Runs, or simply to CVR Monthly Meetings (those will return soon), you also owe it to yourself to try one of our AutoX events. If you have already driven in CVR’s great DE events you are now primed for taking AutoX-U classes, as they are by far the best place to learn car control skills that will then help you rapidly advance at you next DE event.
Lastly, for those that have no desire to drive fast or in a competitive manner, and even though all of us consider ourselves “good drivers”, you really owe it to yourself to try AutoX as a way to actually learn and refine advanced skills that back up that claim. These skills will absolutely enhance your street safety. By far the most insurance claims from all PCA events come from street driving events such as Rallies, Tours, and Coffee Runs! Although CVR, as I’m sure all other Regions, focuses on safety at each of those street events, you as a driver should also do your part by taking advantage of the AutoX-University driving school. Come hear more at the CVR Sampler event on April 9th (, then plan to join the first Auto-U class on April 16th ( ).
Great article Paul! Love the new AutoX page on the national website. Pouring over it has me itching for the first 2022 event and has significantly raised my level of PCW (Porsche Car Withdrawal; a winter phenomena unique to snow-belt regions, that occurs when having to park ones Porsche in the garage and not drive it for months on end;-)
Until my Boxster comes out from under it’s blankie, I’ll occupy myself here.
Mark Mahoney
#96 2013 Boxster S Guards