CVR’s AutoX-University introduced the AutoX Pre-Drive Zoom Call three days before the Sept 6th Lime Rock Park AutoX. Everyone that signed up for the AutoX got a chance to discuss how they “read the course” after looking at the map published a week in advance on the CVR AutoX web page ( ).

Being one of the 14 driving skills in the AutoX-U curriculum, this one sparked a lively discussion. While reading a new course may be fundamental, it’s not obvious and typically takes years to refine. Consensus was that the Zoom call helped condense that timeframe considerably. There were great conversations about:
- How to translate the usual “turn-in/apex/track-out” and “Brake-Off-Turn-Squeeze (BOTS)” verbiage into an actual “line” for this new “track”.
- What does “late-apex” mean when there is just a cone to negotiate in a big parking lot?
- We know that “smooth is fast” but how do you use that knowledge to define a line, and how does steering and pedal movement affect that?
- How can you tell if you are indeed smooth and fast?
- How do you refine your line on the next run to be even faster?
So many good questions. So much great discussion.

After everyone seemed quite satisfied with the knowledge they gained, we were ready to wrap up the call when someone innocently asked “Paul, what line are you taking”? Sharing my screen revealed a detailed map of my planned line with a bonus, a color-coded plan for my right foot. It looked more like that old board game “Candyland” than an AutoX map. Perhaps too much to digest at the end of the call but someone had requested it on the pilot, so I had it ready. The Zoom call ended with the promise of me updating “Paul’s First Run Plan” with “Paul’s Actual Run”, which is shown below. On the 15 turn course I made 9 heavy acceleration sections, 7 strong braking events, about 14 balanced gas portions, and about 14 trail braking portions, all in under 37 seconds. Fast-smooth runs are deceptively busy inside the car.

Many participants commented that the Zoom call really did make a difference at the actual AutoX. Many instructors also observed that the participants were noticeably smoother and faster.

When people say they don’t understand the draw of AutoX because of the “short driving time”, it tells me that they have probably never experienced this kind of intensity driving a car before. It’s absolutely THRILLING. After a day at an AutoX, you’ll see why everyone is so exhausted and has such a big smile.

Join the CVR AutoX-U Class of 2023 next spring to experience the best bargain in motorsport and the thrill of “Better Driving…Faster!”
When does the AutoX-U Class of 2023 begin?