This past weekend, CVR hosted our Annual Meeting at St. Clements Castle in Portland, CT. For many of us, this was the first time we were able to reconnect in person since November of 2019.
One of the most important things that happens at this event is the election of officers for the upcoming two-year terms. I will be taking over the President’s role from Allen Fossbender on December 31st. I don’t think it is an overstatement to say that I have big shoes to fill, but I will do my best to justify your confidence in me.
In addition to holding elections, the Annual Meeting gives us an opportunity to say “thank you” to our outgoing officers, and present awards to the CVR members who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in the past year. Along with Allen Fossbender, the other officer who is stepping down this year is our Secretary, Christine Beckwith. She has done a fantastic job over the last two years, so it is no surprise that Christine and her husband Tim, our current CVR Treasurer, were the recipients of this year’s CVR Enthusiasts of the Year Award. The CVR Rookie of the Year Award for 2022 was presented to Mike Hopkins, in part for his expert management of the difficult Club Race Coordinators role. Lastly, after almost two decades of continuous service to CVR, Roger Funk will be getting a well-deserve respite from his position as leader and mentor when he steps down from his position as Nominating Committee Chair.
Our Community Service Chair, Lynn Keller, did an amazing job organizing the collection of 100 toys and $660 donated to Toys for Tots. CVR members are a generous group, living up to our motto “It’s not just the cars, it’s the people.”
While this is my first column as your new President, this will also be my last one until February of 2023. To give our officers and activity chairs a welcome break we will not be publishing a January issue of Challenge. In its place you will be receiving our annual CVR/Challenge Calendar. The club holds its annual planning meeting in mid-January so when Challenge returns in February we will be able to bring you up to date on the many events planned for the upcoming season.
Until we meet again in 2023, I would like to relay to you and your family my best wishes for the sweetest of holidays and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

For those of you who do not know me, as my column header “Shifting Gears” implies, my new position as CVR President marks a change in club responsibility for me. From November of 2010 to April of 2019, I was the Editor of the Challenge Newsletter/Magazine. During my tenure we transitioned from print to the digital version beautifully edited by Caroline Abba now. I have also been (and continue to be) the club’s go-to “graphics department” for many of the publications, posters, ads and emails that you receive on a regular basis.