
CVR 2023 Fall Tour – Freeport, ME

The CVR 2023 fall tour will be based in Freeport, Maine at the Harraseeket Inn. This is a short walk to the LL Bean flagship store. The Inn is a 93 room luxury AAA Four Diamond Inn and is on the north end of the Freeport shopping area. The Inn is filled with antiques and many rooms have fireplaces. The Inn also has an indoor pool. The Harraseeket Inn gets its name from the Harraseeket River in Freeport. Its name derives from an American Indian dialect meaning the “River of many fishes”.

Freeport is also the home of over 170 outlet stores, many within walking distance of the Inn. The main street is a great walk with interesting stores and a New England charm. South Freeport has a working pier where many of the lobsters are brought in. Other attractions are the Desert of Maine, which is a unique desert in this area of the country, and Wolfe’s Neck State Park which is beautiful to walk around in. Maine Wildlife Park in Gray, has moose, bears, fox and many other animals that you can see close up and is an interesting place to visit.

Our timing is right before the fall foliage but will have some color. We will be driving interesting roads that will take us away from the shore to some open roads inland. We will come back to the shore for lunch at the Muddy Rudder in Yarmouth. (Cash bar will be available during the luncheon). It is a short 15 minutes back to the hotel for a rest before the cocktail hour and dinner.


The format for this tour will be similar to preceding tours. You will travel to Freeport on your own on Friday, September 22nd. Driving time from Waterbury, CT is about 3.5 hours. Dinner is on your own either at the hotel or one of the many local restaurants.

Saturday, September 23rd and Sunday, September 24th breakfast will be served in the Maine Harvest Restaurant. We will have our drivers meeting in the Merry Meeting Room at 8:30 a.m. with a quick group photo on the front steps and departure at 9:15 a.m. We will have a 20 minute break midway through our tour.

The hotel offers afternoon tea, for those interested, at 3:00 p.m. in the drawing room.

Saturday evening we have a cocktail hour scheduled from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. followed by dinner and door prizes (door prize tickets will be included in the registration packet).

Dress for the weekend is casual. Cash bar will be available during dinner. Cocktail hour and dinner will be in the Casco Bay Ballroom.


The package includes the following:

2 nights lodging, breakfast on Saturday and Sunday morning, Saturday night dinner and all taxes and gratuities. You are responsible to make your own reservations by calling 207-865-9377. Be sure to indentify yourself as part of the Connecticut Valley Porsche Club Group.

Wash station and designated parking for the club will be provided.

The packages are as follows:
Double Occupancy: Luxury accommodations….$ 892.02
Single Occupancy: Luxury accommodations…..$ 771.92
Thursday night rate is $299 plus tax. The rate includes breakfast and afternoon tea.

Rooms will be held until August 22nd. Check in time is 3:00 p.m. and checkout is at 11:00 a.m.

Cancellations must be made by August 22nd to receive a full refund.

Lunch is at the Muddy Rudder, 1355 Route 1, Yarmouth, Maine.  Due to supply issues, we will be finalizing the lunch menu in April and you can contact us if you want more information. Registration and luncheon is $120 per couple. The link for registration and lunch payment is included below. Make your reservations soon as our tours sell out quickly.

Luncheon needs to be pre-paid by August 22, 2023


We plan to continue with the current system of handing out a summary of participant information with the registration packet. An email address will be helpful in the event we have any updates or changes. Please complete the registration form at the link below.  This form is important and makes the paperwork easier for us.


You will receive a packet of information upon check in. (This will be in your room).

The packet will contain the details, timing, location for the breakfast and drivers meeting, etc.   Saturday night dinner as well as driving directions, name tags and a door prize ticket will be included. We will have the CVR “Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement” at the front desk for you to sign. Every participant must sign the release form.

If you have any questions please call 203-775-6262 or email toruka@aol.com.
We look forward to seeing you on the tour.

Karen & Tom Russell

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