Normalcy. Something that we take for granted until we no longer have it and sure enough, the pandemic certainly threw a curve ball at our normalcy, but it is great to be coming back. With social gatherings not being recommended, the programs group took most of 2020 and all of 2021 off from an “in person” perspective. We did spin up our fun with safe “virtual” meetings but nothing can replace getting together in person. As we started to get Covid under control, your CVR broad felt it was safe to reinstate the in-person monthly meetings in 2022. We would like to thank our five brave 2022 hosts for providing us with a venue for a physical meeting. Thank you Automobilia, Wallingford Porsche, Porsche of Fairfield, Hoffman Porsche, and Billings Media blasting. With each monthly meeting we saw more CVRers in attendance, with the last two meetings having close to 100 attendees. All of the meetings were great fun and informative as always.

Here we are in 2023. We are set to be back at The Trailer Depot for our annual Pancake Breakfast kickoff and Danbury Porsche has already signed up to host our February meeting. We are off to a good start to bring you a full calendar of monthly meetings for 2023. There will probably be some changes but we are definitely moving back towards normalcy and that is a great thing. I would also like to introduce CVRer Valerie Moritz who is joining the programs team as a coordinator so be sure to look for her and say hello.
So, full steam ahead for the programs group in 2023 and we hope to see you back at a future monthly meeting.
Ann & I are anxious to attend the Feb. 22. monthly meeting. Di d bI mkiss a box to check for your headcount?
We’re also heading to Freeport in September – this is a great social driving club.
Could not find the date for the February meeting? March?