50 years ago, the famed IROC series was launched. Penske, Donohue, and Porsche partnered to make a rainbow of equally prepared 911 race cars. Paired with the best drivers, it had a profound impact on racing enthusiasts and motorsport. It’s hard to absorb how the constant evolution of Porsche cars since then has made many of our cars as fast, or faster, than those iconic race cars. More so, that we can drive them on the street!

We should all celebrate the capability of our modern cars by investing in the most important piece of hardware… the “nut behind the wheel”! The best way to do that is by attending the free AutoX-University classes held as part of each CVR AutoX event. Regardless of the years you’ve been driving, the driving skill lessons impart the joy of Better Driving…Faster! They also are the best way to earn a spot in the famed Hoffman Cup Run Off event at the end of the season, our own version of the IROC.

Join us for the 2023 CVR AutoX Series.
(1) May 13 – Hartford LAZ Lot
(2) June 3 – Hartford LAZ Lot
(3) July 15 – Hartford LAZ Lot (Now Live!)
(4) Aug 5 – Lime Rock Park B-Paddock
(+) Aug 26-27 – Zone1 AutoX – Ayer MA
(5) Sept 9 – Lime Rock Park B-Paddock
(6) Oct 7 – Hartford LAZ Lot (Incl. Hoffman Cup)
Please check your car class (New 2023 Car Classes) before registering, as CVR will use the new Medium sized PCA AutoX event Car Class groupings for the 2023 season. Some classes are consolidated, new car models were added, and the overall class count was slightly reduced. Careful review of each change was made based on data and experience from across PCA to help make fewer 1-car classes, avoid over-populated classes, and maximize the fun.
Our CVR AutoX web page (https://cvrpca.com/autox/) will help you easily determine what class your car fits into (Stock, Production, Improved, or Modified) with the Quick Classification Guide. The web page also has other great info like: tips to enjoy your first AutoX, directions, rules, and our efficient schedule.
You can sign up now for all six events. At only $40 per day for members, it’s the best bargain in motorsport! : https://www.motorsportreg.com/ .
See you May 13th for a remarkably fun day!