As I write this, it is only a few days since the checkered flag flew over the last race of the 2023 CVR Club Race. I’m not sure I have totally recovered from the event. The entire event is still a blur of 911s, Boxsters, 944s, old friends, new friends, sponsors, racers and volunteers. Planning for the 2023 race started in November of 2022. Planning for Club Race 2024 started on April 23, 2023. However, we are all allowed to take some time to relax and enjoy another successful event.
What most people don’t see is the amount of work that goes into an event like Club Race. There are so many people that volunteered and worked so hard to make sure this event was a success. They did a fantastic job.
There is so much to say and not a lot of space or time to say it all, so let me just say this:
Thank you racers!
Thank you volunteers!
Thank you sponsors!
Thank you spectators!
Thank you members of the CVR Club Race team!

See you at Lime Rock for the 2024 Club Race!