A Season of Smiles
What a blast! The June 2nd course was a great way to start the 2018 CVR AutoX Series. It was the perfect place to push your Porsche to the limit, and to go fast! AutoX-U lessons in the morning provided a primer on: Circle-of-Friction, throttle-steering, shuffle steering, maximum cornering, corner entry, corner exit, trail-braking and how weight transfer fit into all of those. Then it was up you and your AutoX-U coaches to apply those lessons all day. As the times got smaller the smiles got larger.
A big Thank You to those faithful AutoX Team members that pitched in to get the season started the right way, coming early to set up, and taking on new roles. Special thanks go to our new CVR AutoX Registrar, Rob Bosco! From processing the on-line Motorsportreg.com entries, to organizing the work assignments and checking everyone in Rob made the day flow effortlessly, giving everyone lots of free time to hang with the CVR friends while focusing on their driving skills. Continued thanks go to Ed Bogue, our CVR AutoX Safety Chair.
If you haven’t tried AutoX, come to the next event and discover the best bargain in motorsport. It’s easy on your car and on your wallet, at only $40 for the day. Guaranteed you will go home with better car control skills than when you arrived, and that is priceless!
His watchful eye for safety, endless enthusiasm, and his passion for finding new ways to teach car control are a huge plus for CVR. Ed can be found leading the Novice walk, or leading a white board discussion on the finer points of driving each corner. You can tell when Ed is on course, the whole event seems to stop and watch in awe. Thanks also to Tim Marx for continuing to run Tech, Tim Anderson for his early arrival help, and to Brian and Jeff Fournier for setting up Control, and lastly to everyone else that pitches in to set up and tear down the event. The CVR AutoX family is thoughtful, helpful, and fun to be with. Thank you all again!
CVR AutoX, Better Driving… Faster!
See our AutoX web page for the latest schedule, registration link, and all kinds of other helpful info here.