Driver Education

Driver Education – July 2018

DE is where you can learn how to drive your car the way Porsche means for it to be driven, all in a controlled, instructional environment. But wait it’s also a great place to meet new people and possibly form some long-lasting relationships.

When we joined CVR 20 plus years ago I did not know that we would meet so many people who to this day are our very close friends, some that we even consider family. We have been to their birthday parties and weddings, their children’s special events, gone on vacations, shared Christmas eves and enjoyed many lunches and dinners together — all because we decided to try DE.

There has been a change in the dynamics at the track from when we began DE until now. Twenty years ago, it was very difficult to get any kind of cellphone reception at Lime Rock Park and if you had Verizon, forget it. Now, when I walk through the paddock most people are on their phones texting, watching the weather forecast or whatever they feel they need to do on their phone. When we go to the track I know it is hard to stop thinking about work. But, it is your day off and rather than sitting there connected, why not put the phone down and go and talk to that driver running in your group with you lap after lap? The driver that has the same car as you obviously has something in common with you already. The driver that has a fun t-shirt has given you the opening to say hi and comment on the shirt. You just never know — a quick conversation might form a new long-lasting friendship.

Sitting in your car instead of walking around and talking to people is not going to get you interacting with the other participants. Sure, maybe you think you have enough friends and don’t need to make new ones. But, I would bet that you might like adding some new people to your circle, to add some variety to what you do off track. The next time you’re at the track, try to put aside the everyday work, texting, Facebook, etc. and reach out to socialize with the person parked next to you. Hang out under the tower at LRP and talk to the other drivers. Sit down and have lunch together, relax and have a great time. Remember, it’s your day off so try to park the electronics and enjoy the day at the track with your new friends.

I can remember at my second track day I met a guy named Chris who had also just began DE and had recently moved to CT from Chicago. To this day we are the best of friends. I met a mechanic at Danbury Porsche when I needed a clutch (before DE). That mechanic now has his own shop and has taught me more than I ever thought I could know about cars. Thanks Dan. In my early days of DE I lent a guy from Brooklyn named Tom a wheel for his car, in order for him to get home due to a flat on his car. I thought I had seen the last of that wheel but Dan said he was a good guy. I got the wheel back along with a 20+ year friendship as well as a friendship with his wife. The four of us have a friendship that will last way beyond DE, until we are old (not old like now but old old). I still love kidding him about that wheel this many years later. I let a stranger drive my 944T after he had damaged his car. I trailered Chuck’s car to a shop and he followed in my car. We have been friends since, from going to his surprise 50th birthday party to watching his young kids grow into great adults. When Superstorm Sandy hit, we lost power like everyone else. We were away and our friend Dave (who we met thru DE) came over to our house to run cords for our generator. We also celebrated Dave’s 50th birthday and Spencer’s 50th birthday, both at surprise parties thrown by their wives. We have made many other great friends, way too many to list individually, all from the CVR DE program. The PCA motto “It’s not the cars, it’s the people” is really true.

See you at the track.

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