CVR Programs

June 2018 Monthly Meeting

CVR drives for Spooner House 2018

With spring coming to a close and summer around the corner the month of June saw CVR members gathering at the Hairy Dog Grrrage for our programs meeting. The weather was perfect this year, not too hot, not too cold, and with such great weather the CVRers jumped into their Porsches and set out for an evening of socialization, food, and support. It was no surprise that we had over 175 members in attendance, a great showing for sure.

This was our second HDG event at Dan’s fantastic new location, right on route 67 in Southbury. If you haven’t yet visited you owe it to yourself to check the location out. The facility is amazing with a full shop to service every need for your Porsche. Dan, Baron, George, and the HDG team had everything set up for our meeting including the “revival tent” and the grilles were fired up for a fantastic picnic dinner of delicious burgers and dogs. Everyone enjoyed a great meal and socialization.

But our main attraction for the evening was our food-drive for Spooner House and the CVR members delivered in spades once again. With each member’s arrival came a bag full of food donations. Before long, the food donation table was overflowing with food. Tom, Joe, Joe, and I had our hands full as we handled the donations and gave out raffle tickets. Fantastic job CVR!!! You guys are the best!

With the delicious dinner behind us, CVR members took their seats so we could conduct a quick business review. President Dick Strahota and the CVR event chairs went through the always-busy CVR calendar and then we concluded the review by handing the mic over to the CVR Community Service Chair Susan Young. Susan brought Spooner house Executive Director Susan Agamy forward to talk about the organization. Susan shared a Spooner house success story and everyone was touched by the great work that they do in helping others who are going through difficult times in their lives. Susan Young then presented Spooner house with an “extra” large donation of $1,000 from CVR. Combined with all the donated food and almost $200 in cash that was collected it was an amazing night for all involved.

CVR business complete, it was time for our raffle. HDG had stepped up and donated some very generous raffle prizes which included gift certificates for service. Attendees eagerly anticipated hearing their number called as the tickets were drawn with lucky members walking away with a raffle prize. Congratulations to all the winners!

With the raffle complete the evening concluded. The event was a rousing success for all involved, especially those in need at Spooner House. Special thanks to Dan Jacobs and the Hairy Dog crew for hosting and donating the raffle prizes but the big thanks goes to you, the CVR members, for your generous support of our food drive. You made it a success and it is much appreciated. We’ll see you at the next monthly meeting. Please be sure to register using your constant contact invitation.

Thanks, your CVR programs crew.

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