Danbury Porsche
February weather can often be a challenge for the CVR monthly meeting and 2019 proved to be yet another example of this. Our original meeting was scheduled for 2/12 but then a nasty snow storm was forecasted on that day so we postponed two weeks to 2/26. Sure enough, the nasty snow storm showed up as scheduled on the 12th but we were lucky on the 26th and had a great weather day. Yet another example of why our email notification process is so important as CVR members found out in a timely fashion about the meeting postponement and no one made an unnecessary trip in inclement weather.

Approximately 100 CVR members convened for the February Danbury Porsche event at their Audi service center. This was our second meeting since we welcomed Danbury back to our annual monthly meeting calendar and the Audi service location provides a great venue. This time the Danbury crew went with a banquet style set up in the drive-up section of the service area which allowed for plenty of room to socialize and listen to the evening’s presentation. Danbury also set up the showroom and the meeting area with select Porsche models for the CVR members to enjoy including a great 2016 GT3 RS in a spectacular Maritime Blue, a 2019 Carrera T, and a new Boxster in the striking hue of Night Blue metallic.

Once the membership assembled it was time for dinner and Danbury had a nice meal prepared for us. With dinner and socialization done we moved on to the evenings activities.
First up was CVR president Phil Cappella to walk us through the calendar. With spring around the corner the calendar is starting to fill up fast. Activity chairs that were present at the meeting gave their updates as well. One of the most exciting things going on with CVR right now is the migration of our monthly Challenge magazine to a virtual format and our new website. A small sub-team has been assembled to work this task and they are making good progress. This is a necessary step in the evolution of our region and one that many other regions have already completed. We look forward to this exciting step towards the future.

After Phil provided his update we invited Chris Partelow, Danbury’s General Manager, to come up and give us an overview of the happenings at the dealership. Danbury has all the latest offerings so if you are in the market for a new Porsche be sure to check them out. Danbury is also a long time supporter of CVR and we certainly appreciate that.

We then brought up Mitch Conroy from Limerock who gave us an overview of happenings at the track including their new club affiliation program. He reminded CVR members that they have to sign up for the program to participate. Check out their site for more details.
Next up was our topic of the evening. CVR’s own Jeff Coe did a presentation on PCA registers. These are groups of “super model enthusiasts (not girls, cars)” ranging from 356s to 911 club coupes and can be found listed in every issue of pano. Jeff just so happens to be the advocate of the 968 register. After going over the mission of the PCA registers Jeff demoed what is offered by the 968 register. The main goal behind these registers is connecting owners who share that super passion for their specific model. Jeff pointed out that different registers have different levels of offerings. The 968 register offers E-newsletters, a web-site filled with 968 production related information, and even a virtual 968 museum. Who would have guessed that PCNA offered a 968 beach towel back when they were sold new? The register also put together events and it supports PCA needs with articles and technical questions. Jeff even encouraged the audience to start their own registers if so inclined. It is great to see yet another benefit of your PCA membership so take advantage of the register program for your model Porsche.

We closed the evening with our raffle. The Limerock team donated a weekend pass and we had a number of great items from Danbury including a Porsche detail kit. Many members in attendance went home with an extra large smile on their face. As we adjourned for the evening all reported an enjoyable meeting.
Thank you Mother Nature for letting us get our February meeting in and thank you to Chris, Mike, and Scott of Danbury for hosting the meeting. We’ll see you at the March monthly meeting at Automobile Associates in Canton. Let’s hope the weather cooperates.
Thanks, your CVR program’s crew.