Sad to say, but summer is drawing to a close. By the time you read this, Labor Day will be fading away in the rearview mirror. That isn’t a bad thing – at least for me. I love the fall. There’s something about throwing the top town and going for a ride to nowhere. The crispness of the air, the leaves changing color…it’s just more magical in New England. That’s probably one reason I love coffee runs.
Speaking of coffee runs, we’ve had more people stepping up lately to put them together for us, and that’s a good thing. If you’ve never done one, check out the article on the Kringle Candle Coffee Run that was put together for the club by Steve Tougias and John Collins. And then sign yourself up for the next one on September 14th.
That brings me to the next topic. As the only PCA club in the country that is 100% digital, we’re continually learning about what members like and don’t like. For example, in the last 3 months, we’ve learned that The Mart is the most popular section of Challenge. We’ve also learned the most popular feature of the site are the color photos in the articles. That brought up an interesting challenge for us – we didn’t have a way to promote photos of events as separate pages.
So we changed things around a bit.
Originally, our the intention was to have a page for each photographer who wanted to contribute content. It was a great strategy for the photographer, who could promote their work, but it wasn’t the best strategy for the club in terms of promoting galleries of events. So over the last 2 weeks, the Gallery section of Challenge was rebuilt to be event-focused. Now, every event has its own page featuring contributions from multiple photographers.
The first event galleries are online in the Gallery section of Challenge. Currently, there’s a page for DE Events, a page for the Concours, a page for the Dream Show, and a page each for the 2019 and 2018 Club Races. The pages feature photographs taken by Bob Reinckens, Bill, Shaw, John Karam, and myself. There will, of course, be many more galleries added to the existing events, and many more events added over time. I know Phil and Maria are taking photos of the upcoming Treffen in a few days, and that Phil will be sending over photos from the Parade earlier this summer. If you’re a photographer who would like to contribute photos, please reach out to Paul Roth (who chairs the photo club) and coordinate with him.
That’s it for me. Time to stop ignoring my wife and get ready for the last holiday of the summer.
Drive safely.