With time now feeling frozen, we all look forward to things that will again define its passage in a good way. Special events make us appreciate time well spent. One such event was in 2014 at Lime Rock Park when CVR gave a tent full of CVR members a chance to meet a true legend, Sir Stirling Moss.
While I can’t do justice recounting his famous career, I can attest to his humble nature and the generous gift of his time to us that day. With Sir Moss’ passing in April, that special moment will be even more cherished. I’m grateful for him taking the time to sign my artwork to freeze the moment, and for his handshake to cement it. I’m also thankful to the CVR team that made that special day possible. Time well spent indeed.

The next special event I look forward to most is the next CVR AutoX. In compliance with state rules, we canceled the May and June events. However, if state metrics are met, we anticipate that we will resume AutoXing on July 19th.
AutoX time is the opposite of quarantine time. Each second of an AutoX run crams so much life into it that time seems to EXPAND! Adrenaline full runs make your hands quiver after you get out of the car and helps you remember them for a long time. There may hardly be time to breathe, yet I can clearly recall many runs from years or decades ago. The expansion of time, and savoring it with CVR AutoX camaraderie, truly freezes such experiences like no other event. We appreciate these events more now than ever and look forward to seeing everyone again.

To make sure that nobody feels pressure to attend any event when they are not sure if they might feel sick that morning, or may have come into close contact with a potentially sick person, we will allow full refunds. Sadly, we will also not count points for a traditional championship series or Top-20 Hoffman Cup this year. Instead of asking Hoffman Porsche for their usual support this year, I instead ask CVR members to think of Hoffman for service or purchases this year if you are in a position to do so. These are tough times for this beloved sector of our economy. CVR is forever grateful for having such a special relationship with team Hoffman, something I’m reminded of by each time I see the artwork made to celebrate this.

(I drew on my wall)
“surrender is only temporary!”
To safely resume our next AutoX event, I’ve been on many calls with other PCA National Autocross Committee members. We have reviewed motorsport, state and national government, and health expert guidance. Applying this, CVR has established procedures and protocols to offer a safe AutoX event. This ensures we all will feel comfortable that a fun day with friends will stay that way. Respectful camaraderie will be the new norm. Full guidelines will be published in advance, including on the MotorsportReg.com registration site. The biggest changes will be the requirement for each person to bring their own PPE, hand sanitizer, and pen. We will require thoughtful and respectful distancing. Unfortunately, there will be limitations on in-car instructing and loaner helmets but we will still be able to offer 3-4 sterilized helmets for exclusive use that day.
While we may have had to temporarily surrender, we will win the war and unfreeze time. Join us at the July 19th AutoX and EXPAND TIME once again with your CVR AutoX friends!