Scorching fast runs and temps mark CVR’s return to AutoXing

What a pleasure to finally get the delayed 2020 AutoX season started. With a record 18 people registering as “1st timers”, it was a notable day in may ways. Morning warmth steadily increased to 98 degrees in the afternoon. Thankfully the breeze kept pace, making it surprisingly comfortable to wear a mask, which all did except while driving, or alone at their flag station. All of the planning and implementation of preventative measures to keep the virus at bay were welcomed and reassured everyone that we can still have fun in 2020 even while keeping a respectful distance to new and current friends. The day also proved that even in the heat, you can forget you are wearing a mask if you are properly distracted with a fun CVR activity.

It was fantastic to finally be able to enjoy a CVR AutoX event again! The unique course featured two intersecting skid pads, in opposite directions and with decreasing radii. Combined with fast sweepers and great flow, the course received many compliments throughout the day. It was designed to be the perfect opportunity to learn or refine the AutoX-U driving skills of Throttle Steering and Trail-Braking. It was designed to force “Vision” skills, making drivers look far “up” ahead to spot the critical landmarks (very tall cones, florescent green arrows, and pointer cone walls). This started those 1st timers on the right path to “Better Driving… Faster!”. It also reminded the rest of us about this most fundamental skill. To help even more, orange cones marked the first half of the course then switched to green cones for the second half.

The day marked a HUGE milestone, more than eight years in the making. After years of attending and helping run CVR autocross events with timing, presenting trophies, marking cones, etc., Tony Bogue is now in the drivers seat! This was a very special day for so many of us. His imprinting, walking countless courses, and learning the craft of driving step-by-step, has prepared him well. The biggest compliment I can give him is that I thought it was his dad (Chief Instructor Ed Bogue) driving when I saw him on course throughout the day. His smoothness, speed, and skills are already apparent and are impressive. He captured a well earned 1st place trophy on his debut as a result. Congratulations Tony, and Ed!

Another huge milestone years in the making: after humbly learning the AutoX-U curriculum, David Carlson has now earned the rank of CVR AutoX Instructor. David has refined and elevated his driving skills noticeably over the last several years, to the point where people stop what they are doing to watch his runs. He drives with consistent smoothness, aggressiveness, flow, and speed, and is a great example for all. As importantly, David’s cheery helpfulness and good communication skills make him a great addition to CVR’s Instructor team. Congratulations David!

Join us for the next memorable CVR AutoX. This one is not to be missed since it’s at beautiful Lime Rock Park on August 8th in the big and smooth B-Paddock. A new course will be made to enhance two other driver skills. We’ll publish accurate scale maps a week before, one with the Line to help you learn the flow of the course, and one without the Line so you can really spot the landmarks that will simplify driving the course. We’ll also link a video of driving the new course so you can experience it from “in-car”.
Go to the CVR AutoX web page to get results from the first event, see helpful info, and to get the link to register for August 8th.
Learn “Better Driving…Faster!” the CVR way.