Columns Presidents Message

CVR Club Race: Exemplary Teamwork

Dear Club Members, Sponsors and Friends,

Club volunteers began arriving at Lime Rock Park before sunrise on Friday, April 23, to fulfill their assignments at the annual, two-day CVR Club Race.  The temperature was a few degrees below freezing, but volunteers came prepared with layers of clothing, which were peeled off as the sun brought welcome warmth throughout the morning.  Volunteers at the main gate opened the park at 6:15 a.m.  At first light, racers, crew members and more volunteers began entering the park.  The process repeated itself on Saturday, which was a beautiful, cloudless day with seasonably warm temperatures.

Allen Fossbender, CVR President
Allen Fossbender, CVR President
Photo: Jay Harder
Photo: Lance Johnson

The race was a noteworthy success with 120 racers (124 cars) participating in it, a number that was close to capacity.  PCA race stewards were complimentary.  As usual CVR distinguished itself as an exemplary host, attributable to the 75 volunteers who accepted assignments as diverse as grid, flagging, scales, race control, timing, communications, pace car, as well as admissions, registration, food and hospitality.  Social distancing reduced the number of volunteers by approximately 30 with the intention of reverting to 105 volunteers next year when normalcy prevails.  Reduced numbers notwithstanding, volunteers performed their responsibilities with impressive competence and congeniality.

Mark Lewis supervised the race once again, making it his third year as race director.  He began complex and time-consuming preparations six months ago.  As usual, he was a gracious and patient leader, always willing to listen to suggestions for improvement.  He assembled an impressive committee to work with him.  His principal colleague was Debbie Cloud, the vice treasurer of Club Race and registrar.  Her generosity of time and her characteristic kindness have been hallmarks of the race for several years, always in partnership with Rick, her wonderful husband who directs the grid.  The Clouds will be moving out of state next year.  They will be greatly missed.  Board meetings and Club Race are enlivened by their humor and enhanced by their good judgment.  Mark was also assisted by Joe Kunecki, the new assistant race director.  Although the pandemic limited Joe’s in-person interactions; he was always accessible to Mark for support.  He was particularly helpful on race days.

This year was Mike Hopkins inaugural experience as volunteer coordinator.  He did an extraordinary job in communicating with volunteers and in making assignments that were both timely and logical.  He was mentored by his predecessor, Maria Capella, and by Phil Capella, who frequently forwarded web-based data to him.  A new sponsorship team of Caroline Abba, Mike Appel and Frank Sena did a remarkable job of confirming longtime sponsors and soliciting the support of new sponsors.  The success of the sponsorship team was impressive by any standard, particularly in a COVID economy that complicated its work.

The other members of the race committee are leaders who make noteworthy contributions beyond the race weekend.  Caroline and Alan Davis, activity chairs for special events, led hospitality/administrative services and communications respectively.  Sue Young, activity chair for community service, developed menus and coordinated the delivery of lunches.  Paul Roth, head of the photo club, supervised photographic coverage and coordinated social-media postings.  Eric Richmond, editor-in-chief of Challenge, managed video streaming and Shelley Krohnengold, executive vice president, coordinated graphics.  Bob Napoletano, member of the nominating committee, served as the medical safety liaison.  Lisa Parker, activity chair for club membership and former two-time club president, functioned as steward liaison.  Don Phelan, club treasurer, coordinated all finances pertaining to the race.  I managed the main gate.  Special thanks to Todd Pajonas who supervised the DE event on April 22, the day before races.

Photo: Eric Richmond
Photo: Lance Johnson
Photo: Jay Harder

The Club Race could not exist without the financial support of its sponsors, most of whom have been friends of the club for many years.  Danbury Porsche was the race’s Platinum Sponsor; it has been a stalwart supporter of the race and of CVR, in general, for decades.  It is comforting to know the club can depend on its goodwill.

The Premier Sponsors listed below have been advocates of the race for so many years that they are integral to its character and its dedication to safe driving:


Associate Sponsors are very important to the tradition of Club Racing as an essential characteristic of CVR’s commitment to motorsport excellence:


The individuals listed below donated their time and attention on race days, ensuring a well-organized, safe event.  They are a combination of veteran and new volunteers who sustain the heritage of Porsche racing and enrich the CVR tradition, “It’s not just the cars; it’s the people.”


Thank you, all.  As we emerge from the constraints of the pandemic, I look forward to interacting with you at upcoming CVR events.

Yours truly,

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