The prevalence of coronavirus variants is causing a surge of COVID cases throughout Connecticut, including a significant increase in the number of hospitalizations. In addition, breakthrough cases are occurring among the vaccinated. The variants put people in large gatherings at risk. In light of this information, Allen Fossbender, CVR president, made the decision, in consultation with board members, to postpone the in-person January Monthly Meeting. We hope to reschedule the meeting at Trailer Depot in the near future once circumstances improve and club members can interact safely in a large group. Mike Duhamel of Trailer Depot and George Chatzopoulos of Chip’s Family Restaurants always look forward to hosting the meeting and serving those delicious pancakes and are eager to do so again. Until the in-person Monthly Meetings reconvene, our popular virtual meetings will continue on a number of new topics so watch for them.

Great content! Keep up the good work!