Dear Club Members, Sponsors, and Friends,
The 30th Anniversary of the CVR Club Race was spectacular. Race volunteers began arriving at Lime Rock Park at dawn on Friday, April 22, and Saturday, April 23, to report to their assignments. The temperature was in the high 30s in the morning, warming to the mid-60s in the afternoon. Sun and clouds alternated in the skies on both days. As usual, volunteers came prepared with layers of clothing, which they peeled off as the temperature rose. The main gate opened the park at 6:15 a.m. Racers, crew members, and more volunteers began entering the park shortly thereafter. Two years had passed since the Club Race took place without the constraints of the pandemic. It was a welcome return to normalcy.

Ninety-nine drivers participated in the race. PCA stewards complimented Mark Lewis and members of the race committee for their excellent preparations and race-day management. As usual, CVR distinguished itself as an exemplary host, attributable to the race committee and the eighty-one volunteers who accepted assignments as diverse as the grid, pit-in, flagging, scales, race control, timing, communications, pace car, as well as main gate, registration, food, and hospitality. The volunteers performed their responsibilities with impressive competence and congeniality.
In my column published in the April 2022 issue of Challenge, I identified members of the Club Race Committee and their related responsibilities. You may access the column at this link: click here. I thank them for their dependable work and positive attitude. They are, once again, worthy of acclaim:
Mark Lewis – Race Director
Joe Kunecki – Assistant Race Director
Lisa Parker – Race Registrar, Race Treasurer
Michael Hopkins – Race Volunteer Coordinator
Mike Appel, Frank Sena, Don Phelan – Sponsorships
Caroline Abba & Shelley Krohnengold – Club Race Website & Publicity
Shelley Krohnengold and Susan Vaccaro – Race Program
Dave Vaccaro – Vice President of Driver Education
Paul Roth – Photography & Social Media
Bob Napoletano – Medical Safety Liaison
Alan Davis – Radio Communications
Susan Young – Food and Hospitality
Caroline Davis – Assistant Registrar
Timothy Beckwith – Club Treasurer
Allen Fossbender – Administration
The Club Race could not exist without the financial assistance of its sponsors, most of whom have been friends of the club for many years. Danbury Porsche was, once again, the race’s Platinum Sponsor; it has been a stalwart supporter of the race and of CVR, in general, for decades. It is comforting to know the club can depend on its generosity.
Premier Sponsors have been advocates of the Club Race for so many years that they are integral to its character and its dedication to motorsport excellence:

Premier Sponsors:
Automobile Associates of Canton
Collector Secure Auto Storage
Corporate Motorsports
Daniel Jacobs, LLC
F & W Equipment Corporation
Kachel Motor Company
Musante Motorsports
NorcomCT – Northeastern Communications, Inc.
South Shore Performance / Rudtners Racing Group
SST Auto / Speedsport Tuning
Stable Energies Motorsports
Associate Sponsors are important to the tradition of Club Racing as an essential characteristic of CVR’s commitment to competitive driving:
Associate Sponsors:
Garage Living / Ed’s Garage Doors
Investmark Advisory Group
Poppy’s Classic Car Storage
Precision Motorsports (PMR)
Scott Swimming Pools
The Third Garage
The Trailer Depot

The volunteers listed below donated their time and expertise on race days ensuring a well-organized, safe event. They are a combination of veterans and new comers, who sustain the heritage of CVR PCA racing. They are ambassadors of the club who represent well its motto, It’s not just the cars; it’s the people!

Caroline Abba
Michael Albert
Joe Amoroso
Mike Appel
Eric Brown
Seamus Brown
Curtis Casey
Mark Colebrook
David Coleman
Dan Cooley
Janice Cooley
George Cooper
Jay Curran
Jack Curran
Lauren Curran
Alan Davis
Caroline Davis
David Delano
Wayne Dombkowski
Peter Douglas
Christine Engel
Bob Engling
Bill Fordyce
Dave Frasco
Stuart Greacen
Raymond Harder
Wren Harper
Alan Holbrook
Mike Hopkins
Walter Hyjek
Daniel Innaimo
Alec Karacsonyi
Michael Keller
Andreas Klaube
Paul Kudra
Joe Kunecki
Bruce Lauzier
Dan Lewis
Mark Lewis
Erik Lillibridge
Joe Macauto
Norma Jean Macauto
Keith Mackie
Tim Mahr
Diane Martin
Gregory Mascoli
Peg Mayer
Stephen McDonnell
Chris McIntyre
Ian McLeran
Zachary Meyers
Bob Napoletano
Timothy O’Brien
Joe O’Connor
Robert Orlando
Lisa Parker
Susan Pease
Robert Reinckens
Deborah Reinckens
Claudio Rodrigo
Mark Rolsma
Paul Roth
George Rowland
Glenn Rozum
John Schnabel
Suzanne Smith
Glen Smyth
Karen Smyth
Grey Spann
Fred Staudinger
Keith Stephan
Robert Stevens
Tim Sutliff
Chris Theodoros
Hank Trzupek
Bill Turney
Christopher Turney
Gregory Twomey
Kevin Williams
Charles Young
Sue Young
The following drivers competed in this year’s Club Race:
Kevin Aberant
Payam Aghassi
Attilio Albani
Aaron Ambrosino
Paul Amico
Hoyt Ammidon
Alex Au
Delbert Auray
John Bauer
Aubrey Bout
Mark Caraluzzi
Jim Clemens
Frederick Constantineau
Darren Desimone
Paul Devany
Joe Dillon
Jonathan Draper
Edward Dunne
Eric Elezovic
Michael Embler
Daniel Matthews
Richard Glickel
Theodore Goneos
Alex Haile
Jens Hantson
Nelson Heumann
Dennis Hiffman
Michael Iapaluccio
Mike Jacobellis
Donald Jacobs
Jarrad Jacobs
Justin Jacobs
Scott James
Joel Johnson
Steve Katz
John Koster
Quinlan Lall
Lee Lasberg
David Lee
Andres Leon
Eric Liu
Frank Osborn
Todd Pajonas
Kevin Palmer
Marc Pensabene
David Peterman
Mike Piera
Keith Powell
Franklin Pray
William Riehl
Jose Roque
Todd Roth
James Rothenberger
Bill Rudtner
Michael Saia
Laurie Sanborn
Andy Sanborn
Steve Schindler
Jim Scott
John S. Shafer
Daniel Shofner
Darius Trinka
Artemus Tsang
Joseph Viola
Will Waldron
Ben Wallace
Brian Weathered
Thomas Wienckowski, Sr.
Robbie Wilson
John Wood
Jason Woz
Lou Yorio
Jordan Simon
Jeffrey Smith
Michael Stach
Michael Stenko
Charles Mayer
Colin Mazzola
Dwayne Moses
Brian Mulley
Keith Fisher
Francis Florido
Sean Foster
Mark Gilbert
Mark Stillson
Van Svenson
Carl Tallardy
Kristian Taylor
Gilles Nadeau
Jeffrey Neiblum
David Nissenbaum
Andrew Lynn
Timothy Lynn
J. David Mann
Yury Marasanov
Kim Estep
Christopher Fahy
Alex Farragut
Ryan Farragut
CT 32
MD 2
PA 9
NH 2
TX 1
IL 4
VA 2
MA 11
NY 25
NJ 8
FL 1
VT 1
Quebec 1
I look forward to the 2023 Club Race. In the meantime, best wishes to the drivers at the remaining Club Races throughout the United States this year.
Yours truly,

Great day with friends and cars, and the weather was even better. See everyone next year’s race.
Thank you to everyone!