Big news, something we know you have been waiting for: CVR is excited to announce the launch of our “in-person” monthly meeting program for 2022!!! Mark your calendars for Saturday May 14th, 10am – Noon. We have been invited by our friends at Automobilia in West Haven to visit the shop for a get together and an “in-person” tour. Our agenda will be as follows:
10 – 10:30 am – Assemble and socialize (Coffee, juice, and donuts provided by Automobilia)
10:30 – Quick CVR business meeting
10:45- Noon – Shop and services tour – The Automobilia team will take us around the shop to see station demonstrations and examples of the many fine services they offer.
This will be great opportunity to not only learn about the various automobile protection offerings available through the shop but also the latest advancements in those areas as Automobilia and their vendors are on the cutting edge. Automobilia co-owners Alex Jones and Christian Mead are excited to be hosting the event.
So keep and eye out for an invitation from CVR in your in-box and follow the registration process. We hope to see you on the 14th.
Your CVR Program’s crew.