Wow – two great Saturday DE events in a row: one half-day on Saturday August 8 and a full-day on September 10. Both were held at the always fun and challenging Lime Rock Park.

Our August Saturday half-day at LRP had a great turn out of beginner drivers and first-timers. As always, our hard working dedicated CVR instructor group was there to help give the students a great day at the track. For the August DE all participants received a shirt that was sponsored by Accurate Automotive Equipment. Accurate Automotive Equipment has been very supportive of our club and the DE program for the past several years – regular drivers now have a collection of shirts with the Accurate Automotive Equipment logo on the back. CVR gives a big thank you to Howard Mansdorf, the GM for Accurate Automotive Equipment, for sponsoring the shirt giveaway. If you are planning on getting a lift for your garage, be it a two or four post lift, or if you might be looking to upgrade or just need some service on that older lift in your garage, reach out to Howard – you have his number on the back of your shirt.

While we held our DE event on track, CVR’s Auto Cross held an event over in B Paddock. It was really cool to see all the beautiful cars at one location.

On our September Saturday full-day at Lime Rock Park we had another beautiful sunny, fun-filled event. Once again, all of our drivers and instructors were treated to another shirt giveaway – this time sponsored by our very supportive five shops that have been part of the CVR family for many years. Thanks to Musante Motorsports, Daniel Jacobs LLC, European Performance Specialists (EPS), Speedsport Tuning and Automobile Associates of Canton. We appreciate their support, letting us give great shirts to our DE people. And again, for our regular drivers, they have another ‘five shop shirt’ to add to their CVR DE shirt collection.

What’s great about our DE drivers is that they love to wear the shirts that they get from DE events. It amuses Susan greatly to see a variety of all of the shirt giveaways show up at morning registration. I think the sponsors really get their money’s worth when they ‘do a shirt’. Our drivers are walking billboards!
I also want to thank Seamus Brown for taking such great pictures of our drivers on track. And Seamus doesn’t just take a few pictures – he takes 100’s, at every event. Granted, the yellow rungroup doesn’t get as many pictures because that’s when he is out on track. When his car has ‘issues’ (it’s old), rather than packing up and going home, he stays and takes more pictures, making sure to get as many yellow rungroup photos as he can. Seamus brought his daughter Addison to the September DE and she had control of the camera. She took 100’s of pictures, and for the September event, the yellow rungroup had just as many photos as the other groups. The drivers all received multiple images of their car on track and since Addison wasn’t under a time constraint to be on track or at a work assignment, she had time to roam and she shot some great pictures from some ‘out of the way’ parts of the track. If you have never been all the way down the paddock, near Big Bend, I bet you don’t know how swampy it is down there. Addison caught that in some of her shots.

If it seems like this article is just one thank you after another, it is. Everyone that steps up and helps is appreciated. If you’ve noticed someone needing help with their car and went over and helped, thank you. If you’ve taken an extra work assignment because someone had to leave early, thank you. If you’ve sponsored a shirt, thank you. CVR is a great club and has a great group of volunteers, supporters and participants. Thank you to all of you.

Our next event is an Advanced DE at Watkins Glen on October 3 & 4. If you read this before the event and want to come, please contact our Registrar Mark, to sign up as a late registrant. We are offering a Monday-only option for those that celebrate Yom Kippur.

Our last DE event of 2022 will be on Saturday November 5 at Lime Rock Park. Registration opens on Thursday, October 6, at 1 p.m. on We’ve had great November weather for our last few November DE events. The cars love the cooler air and everyone is so happy to have one last event before putting their car away for the winter.
See you at the track.