
CVR’s Club Race Volunteers Are the Bloodline of the Event

What some may find cacophonous, others may call music—the buzzing, whirring, and droning of Porsches on the race track. The symphony of sounds is the perfect backdrop for talking to CVR members about volunteering for the annual club race at Lime Rock Park, held on April 21 and 22, 2023. Veterans and newbies alike were equally passionate about the two-day event. I spoke to many members and volunteers while Mike Appel took photographs of the CVR crew doing their jobs, which for many was more fun than work.

Many members have been helping and donating their time and energy to the club for decades—a testament to the brand and the quality of people who run this event. Without the volunteers, this race would lack the joy de vivre (or joy de Porsche) that is obvious the moment you hit the paddock. They are the lifeline that runs through the rolling landscape. CVR members are a tightknit bunch with a lot of knowledge, humor, and passion for Porsche.

Appel, the self-described Jimmy Olsen counterpart to this writer’s Lois Lane, genuinely wants everyone to have a good time and is an unofficial ambassador for the club. Whether he is handling advertising for the Challenge magazine, working with the sponsors, photographing activities, or performing other duties, he embodies the sentiment that Porsche is a lifestyle. His first Porsche was a 1999 996, and he is just one of many members who likes spending a weekend on a club activity.

Then there’s Allen Fossbender, former CVR President (who was ribbed for putting “past president” on his nametag), who was the Main Gate Captain. He’s loved Porsche since he was a little boy. In addition to his father’s influence, he got the car bug when he was around seven years old and his friend’s father took them to Lime Rock Park. The boys would play in Paddock B when it was still gravel, and Fossbender took a liking to the 356. Like many CVR members, he enjoys going new places and meeting new people through the club, a sentiment this writer heard a lot throughout the weekend. He joined CVR in 1993, and his first Porsche was a 1986 911 Carrera.

Photo by Mike Appel

Member Paul Kudra has worn numerous hats while being a member (since 1978) and is currently the CVR PCA AutoX chair as well as the National Autocross Chair. He enjoys the flagger position because “you can’t get better action. You’re right there.”  He too appreciates the long-term relationships he has made with others who love Porsche. He noted that it’s a fun, learning activity, particularly for those who participate in the driving events such as AutoX and DE. “People are thrilled to learn. You keep getting better.”  Even as a 43-year-old veteran at autocross, Kudra is quick to admit that he’s still a student and learning from his peers. His first Porsche was a 1976 912E in oak green metallic that he acquired in 1978. He still has it.

Beth Monteiro is one of the newer club members with about two years under her belt. It was her first volunteering event, and she made the gatekeeper job a fun one with her contagious enthusiasm. She wanted to donate her time to the race “for the love of Lime Rock, the love of Porsche, and to hear the sounds.” This is a sentiment most Porschephiles understand. She defined Porsche culture as “people who appreciate a connection between themselves and the road.” Porsche drivers take the long way home. They take the road less traveled. They get excited when they see the curves and the bends. (I couldn’t have summed it up any better, Beth). Her first and current Porsche is a 2018 Macan GTS.

Photo by Mike Appel

Michael Kaleda joined CVR three years ago and was also a first-time volunteer. He has a passion for Porsche and the excitement that surrounds it. “I think Porsche is the ultimate driving car. There aren’t many vehicles you can get with the same experience,” he said. A fan of the brand’s history and racing legacy, Kaleda liked his post as a gatekeeper because it allowed him to see all the cars come through. (Actually, that “job” does sound rather fun.) His first and current Porsche is a 1995 968.

We cannot mention volunteers without talking about Race Registrar Lisa Parker, who is also the Membership Chair (for the fifth time.) Like Kudra, she has been involved in many aspects of the club, serving as President (twice), DE Instructor, and in numerous other roles. She loves meeting people, seeing the cars, the camaraderie between members, and how everyone has each other’s back. “Volunteers fuel this [event]. If it weren’t for volunteers, we wouldn’t have any events,” she said. Her first Porsche was a 1972 911.

Author’s note: These are just a sampling of the dozens of volunteers who help at the Club Race. There are many more who help with everything from radio communications to timing and scoring to food and hospitality.


  1. Thank you, Noelle, for another excellent article. I was delighted to interact with you at the Club Race. Your enthusiasm and support enriched the race weekend for me and many other club members.

  2. “people who appreciate a connection between themselves and the road.”
    Kinda sez it all.
    Great captcha, Lois

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