Columns CVR Programs

June 2023 Monthly Meeting Review: FCP Euro – Milford

The FCP Euro store located in Milford, Connecticut

It was a beautiful June evening as close to 100 CVRers made their way to Milford for our latest monthly meeting. FCP Euro was their ultimate destination, a new host location, and come they did. With the weather being so pleasant, the parking lot at FCP Euro started to look like a Porsche show. The Porsche’s arrived shiny and clean and in an assortment of colors.  Many models of Porsche were represented including a beautiful Black Carrera GT and a resurrected, multi-color 968 coupe (yes, my Matador 968 project made its CVR monthly meeting debut).

The 968 Matador project was proud to be hanging with the other CVR rides
A variety of Porsches were in attendance, including this beautiful black Carrera GT

Upon arrival there was much for the CVRers to take in. We had the parking lot filled with great rides, not just Porsches. As you know, FCP Euro is a dealer in European car replacement parts, so there were plenty of Mercedes, Volvos, and BMWs in the lot. Many are cars owned by FCP Euro or their staff. As if the car show wasn’t enough, the CVRers moved into the FCP garage to look at the project cars. The garage was super clean with state-of-the-art tool kits and work bays to take on the various projects.

Porsches filled the FCP Parking lot
Members checked out the FCP Euro Garage

The meeting started out with the usual socialization and dinner. The CVRers enjoyed a nice meal provided by FCP Euro while they took in the cars, shop, and caught up with each other. With dinner complete we made our way upstairs to the FCP event room. This was fantastic. FCP built this location for events just like the CVR Monthly Meetings. The room was big and had an audio and video system already built in, along with many chairs and tables. The CVRers found a place to sit and the meeting began.

The FCP Euro event room filled with CVRers

We started the meeting with our typical CVR business along with new members and the mart. There are many CVR activities to enjoy this summer and the board members in attendance gave their updates. Then we handed the microphone over to Nathan Brown, FCP Euro Event Director for the evening’s presentation.

Nathan Brown addressed the CVR membership

Nathan started out by telling the CVRers a little history about the origins and mission of FCP Euro. He explained how they look to fill the needs of the euro DIYer with their product offerings and how they provide both local pickup and mailing options for the parts they sell. He explained how they have grown their online catalog and their amazing lifetime warranty on the parts they sell. The beautiful shop that we saw is largely used for DIY video production. They look at their market (how many of a particular type of car were sold and are still out there) to determine which videos are needed and have an entire production group that produces them. So, not only do they sell you the parts, they often show you how to install them! Very nice.

Nathan went on to point out how community-focused the company is and that they often sponsor or host local events. They have a great relationship with Lime Rock and have many events taking place there including the popular Cars and Coffee get-togethers. Check out their website for their event calendar. Even our monthly meeting and the event space that we were using were all about FCP connecting with their market. They are also very committed to the state of Connecticut.

Nathan then took questions from the CVR audience with further discussion on events and the FCP Euro lifetime warranty.

We wrapped up the evening with a couple of door prizes donated by FCP Euro and then the CVRers headed home. I was approached by a number of attendees who very much enjoyed the meeting and the host. Special thanks to Nathan Brown and Jessica Raison, along with the FCP team, for hosting our June meeting. It was great fun.

FCP Euro’s garage

For the July monthly meeting you will find us with longtime host Porsche of Fairfield. Please be sure to register using your constant contact invitation. You’ll be receiving your invite during the first week of July and as always, check the CVR calendar for the latest updates.

Thanks, your CVR programs crew.

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