CVR Programs

April 2019 Monthly Meeting

Fairfield County Motorsports/Sloan Motorsports

April was a particularly exciting month for your programs schedule as we found ourselves welcoming back a long time CVR host, Fairfield County Motorsports, and they brought along a new friend, Sloan Motorsports to co-host the meeting with them.

Those of you that have been CVR members for many years can certainly remember meetings hosted at FCM in Fairfield. Owner’s Don Vidoli and Jim Reilly have been members of PCA/CVR for many years and played a large role in the DE programs as their shop plays host to the repairs and maintenance of many CVR member rides. Don and Jimmy were excited to bring their new neighbor, Brett Sloan of Sloan Motorsports, along with them to co-host the April monthly meeting.

Our meeting took place at the Sloan Motorsport location on Carter Henry drive. It is located just a couple of doors down from Fairfield County Motorsports. The CVR membership was truly excited about the meeting as we broke our record for the meeting registration. The CVRers started to arrive at 6:30 and were greeted with Brett’s amazing shop and a number of amazing Porsches scattered throughout for viewing. There certainly was a variety of vehicles but they all shared one characteristic, that they were all “Grade A” quality examples.

Dinner arrived and Don, Jimmy, and the FCM team went to work serving up a delicious Italian meal to the CVRers.

With dinner completed the attendees took their seats and the meeting started. We had an interesting agenda for the evening starting with the CVR business program. CVR president Phil Cappella ran through the list of activities. With spring finally here the calendar is filling up so members are sure to find a CVR activity to enjoy.

The second half of our business meeting was of particular interest to the attendees as they all got their first glimpse of the new digital Challenge magazine. CVR member Eric Richmond was our tour guide as he demonstrated how the new Internet based magazine will work. One of the main goals of the small team of CVRers who have been working on this migration task is to maintain a similar “look and feel” to the outgoing printed version. Eric’s demo showed that the team has worked hard to achieve that goal. The result is a clear and concise magazine that is easy to navigate and filled with plenty of CVR content for the membership to enjoy. And, it’s cell phone friendly too! Congrats to Eric and the team on an amazing result. Now it is up to the membership to transition over to this digital magazine and make it a success.

Next up we brought Brett Sloan forward for his presentation on the current state of the market for collectible Porsches. Brett started with an overview of the business that his Dad Richard founded years ago. He detailed how they ended up targeting amazing super-low mileage examples. With Brett’s Dad’s passing a few years ago Brett has picked up the reins of the business and is marching forward with the same business model and doing quite well. Brett detailed out the current state of the market highlighting the current market stars as well as the up-and-comers. Of particular interest was the group of falling stars. Models that used to be the top of the Porsche market that we all know and lust after but after achieving amazing growth and desirability their values have actually dropped, in some cases significantly. Ahh, if that crystal ball only worked. Fascinating stuff. Brett took a few questions and then we moved on to our raffle. Don and Jimmy had donated some service coupons and Brett donated an amazing limited edition collector book. A few lucky CVRers went home with extra big smiles that evening.

With the meeting complete we thanked our generous hosts and headed home. It was great to be back with FCM and to welcome SM onto our 2019 Monthly meeting schedule. We hope to see you next month at Musante Motorsports located in South Windsor. Please be sure to register using your constant contact invitation. You’ll be receiving your invite in the weeks to come.  

Thanks, your CVR programs crew.

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