I’m not sure if it was the weather, the summer season, or just the eagerness to get out and talk Porsches but the August monthly meeting brought out our largest meeting of CVRers post-pandemic. With over 100 members attending, the event, hosted by Porsche of Fairfield, was our most popular in-person meeting so far this year. It definitely had the feeling of the pre-Covid days.

We were excited to be back in Fairfield. They had prepared the showroom for us to gather and still had many fine Porsches for us to view and contemplate. General manager Hector Hernandez and the P of F crew had set up a nice meal so the CVRers socialized and then had a great dinner. The top of the hour came and it was time to kick off our meeting.

First up was CVR president Allen Fossbender to fill us in on the latest happenings with CVR. As always, the calendar is full of fun Porsche related activities so be sure to take advantage of them. Dave Vaccaro came forward to give an overview of the Drivers education program, which everyone enjoyed.

With every monthly meeting we always poll the audience for new members. We were all pleasantly surprised to find nine new members in attendance. They all got up and introduced themselves and told us what kind of Porsche they drive. Welcome to all and we hope to see you at other CVR events.

With the business portion of the meeting behind us it was time for the topic of the evening which was an update on the Porsche sales market and the dealership, which was presented by our host Hector. Hector explained that things are getting better but there is still a way to go. Of course, it is all about the allocations and all the dealers are fighting for inventory, especially for the special models. Many of dealers, including P of F, were impacted by the fire on the shipping boat which sunk a few months ago. That said, he expects things to improve in the months to come. One thing Hector and the P of F crew were very proud of was the fact that they are selling new vehicles at MSRP, no markup. This is not always the case at other dealers.

Finally, Hector touched on the very popular Porsche color to sample program which is where you can pick the paint color of your new Porsche. This option has been around for years. Back when the 968s were being produced in the early nineties only 18 of the 4,242 cars produced from 1992 – 1995 were color to sample. The cost back then was $2,500. Today the cost of getting your new CTS Porsche is $12,000!! That said, the program is SO popular that Porsche has shut it down temporarily. Amazing. After Hector gave his overview he took questions from the audience on a wide range of Porsche topics including the classic program and the future electric vehicles. It was a very informative presentation. Thank you Hector!

We wrapped up our meeting with a few raffle prizes and then wished everyone a nice evening. A good time was had by all and it was great to see such a large group in attendance. We hope to see you at our next monthly meeting.
Your CVR program’s crew.