CVR DE is not just about learning how to drive your car in a controlled, safe environment – there is a whole lot more to DE. When we say ‘it’s the people, not the cars’, we mean it. Some people joke and say ‘it’s the cars, not the people’ but we all know it truly is about the people.
Susan and I have met many great people over the years and we have formed some truly long-lasting friendships. There are some people we only see at a DE event and they are our ‘track friends’, where we pick up from when we last saw them. There are others that we see outside of the track world, and they are like our second family. We have met terrific people from all over the Northeast and Canada.
As the years have gone by, some of our track friends have passed on. It is very sad to lose a friend but the good memories of hanging out together at the track will always last.
CVR is lucky to have a great group of people drive down from Canada to join us at our Watkins Glen events. We missed them in 2020 and 2021 due to the border closing. Earlier this summer, Wayne Spiegelberg sent Susan an email saying that the Canadian group was looking forward to our October WGI event and they’d finally see us again.

With his grey 944T, Wayne was a regular at our DE’s at the Glen. He passed away unexpectedly on August 21st. Wayne was liked by all – always with a smile on his face and a friend to all. Many drivers will recognize his name, having had him as one of their instructors at WGI. Even though we only got to see him 4 days a year, it saddened us to lose him. He was loading up his car and trailer to go to a DE at Mosport and suffered a medical emergency. He was doing what he loved.

The CVR DE family wants his family to know how sorry we are for their loss and that he will be missed at our future events.
Yes, DE is about the people and friendships we make, as well as learning to drive fast while being safe. Come join us at Lime Rock Park on September 10 or November 6. You’ll meet new people, have fun driving your car, and hopefully make a few new friends.
See you at the track. Be safe.