Experience the thrill of driving on some of the most scenic Porsche roads in the Southern Berkshires. Join us on Sunday, June 4, 2023 for a 95-mile run with stunning mountain views and tree-lined lanes.
Author: Steve Tougias
RECAP: Palmer Motorsports Park via Quabbin Reservoir Coffee Run
This 75-mile coffee run had only two traffic lights, one at the start and one near the end, and only a few stop signs. The August weather was beautiful and, considering it was summer with vacations and other plans, we still had 40 or so cars and 70 people in attendance.
Southern Berkshire Coffee Run – June 28, 2020
All week the weathermen were calling for rain on Sunday. Were we going to cancel? NO WAY.
Kringle Candle Coffee Run
Sunday August 11th was a picture-perfect day for a drive, windows open, sunroof back or top down. It was in the low 70’s in the morning, low 80’s in the afternoon with low humidity.