Columns Editor's Notes

“It’s not just the cars – it’s the PEOPLE”

I bet if I say a slogan, you’d be able to guess the brand it belongs to.  Don’t believe me? Well, let’s play a game: Can you guess the brand these slogans belong to? (if you’re really stumped click the plus sign)

The Quicker Picker Upper...


Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's...


Snap! Crackle! and Pop!

Rice Krispies

The Happiest Place on Earth


Companies spend an exorbitant amount of money to brand themselves and come up with the perfect slogan – one that captures their essence and is easily remembered.  Truth be told, some companies do not live up to their slogan.  Sometimes a “diamond isn’t forever”, sometime those M&M’s do melt in your hand, and sometimes the answer to “Can You Here Me Now?” …is ‘no’.   So how does PCA’s slogan stand up to its promise of “It’s not just the cars… it’s the PEOPLE”?

My husband and I joined the Porsche Club in late 2019, soon after getting married.  In fact, two weeks later, we attended our first event, the 60th Anniversary Photo Festival at St. Clementine’s Castle.  When we joined, we weren’t sure what to expect – we hadn’t attended a sampler and we didn’t know anyone who was a current member, nonetheless, we were excited to celebrate.

We felt welcomed right from the moment we entered the venue – I distinctly remember meeting Caroline & Allen Davis as we walked in; they took time to greet us and chat even though they were amid hosting. We were then seated at a table with members who had been a part of the club for decades and clearly friends.  Though everyone at the table knew each other, they all enthusiastically welcomed us to CVR and took an interest in getting to know us. The more we chatted with attendees, the more it became clear, though we all had a car in common, there was something more about the comradery of the members.

60th Anniversary Celebration Images

Months later, I volunteered to help with Challenge and became more involved with CVR.  At my first board meeting, I soon became aware of the deep history our leadership team has with the club. A significant portion of our board is made up of people who have been members for decades! They have a true commitment to the club and have dedicated years into making sure the activities are well organized and functional.  For instance, Paul Kudra (AutoX Chair), joined the club in 1979 and has held several leadership positions throughout his tenure. In Allen Fossbender’s Straightway column, he covers the extent to which Paul has dedicated his time chairing and developing different club activities – including the original Challenge.

Though my time as a member has been limited, but I’ve met a number of amazing people thru the Coffee Runs, Club Race and monthly meetings.  The more I get to know members of our club, the more I find that the slogan holds true; the cars create a common thread to connect with exceptional people.  As this year’s activities ramp up, I cannot wait to get out there and meet more members.

I truly encourage each and every one of you to attend an event this year – there is something for everyone and you’ll be amongst great company.

Enjoy taking photos? Learn more about joining the Photo Club in Paul Roth’s article. Interested in learning how to become a safer driver on the track?  No problem, take a look at Dave Vaccaro’s latest article to see amazing images from this month’s Winter Workshop and find out how to attend the next event! Wondering how to get started with AutoX?  Paul Kudra’s article One minute there” showcases the newly designed AutoX website and provides all details on how to start or enhance your AutoX career. Interested in reading about Porsche’s presence in professional racing?  Walt Hyjek has you covered – head over to his latest article, “WIN, WIN, 1, 2”.  And for an exceptionally unique read, Jeff Coe’s 986 Flood will intrigue you.

And for more in person events, don’t forget this year’s Club Race is being held on April 22nd and 23rd at Lime Rock Park.  Come out and meet our members and enthusiasts. If you’re worried about what to wear, Joe Knuecki will help you show your CVR pride with exclusive gear from the CVR Store. Stay tuned for more in-person events, including Coffee Runs, events and a return to in-person monthly meetings.

And as a reminder, The New Member Activity Sampler is scheduled for April 9th at the Wyndham Hotel in Southbury, and will serve as a great introduction to what the club has to offer, because remember:

“Its not just the cars… it’s the PEOPLE”.


One Comment

  1. Mike Appel

    A great read, You are all about “It’s not just the cars… it’s the PEOPLE”.

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