
Keep your Nose Down!

Quoting my January Pylon Place column “If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that you need to be flexible.” Well, as a sign of good progress towards post Covid19 normalcy, the Hartford Yard Goats recently released their home game schedule to test that adage. Putting our nose down to adapt, we have thankfully been able to secure new 2021 CVR AutoX dates as follows:

1) May 8 – Hartford
2) June 19 – Hartford
3) July 10 – Hartford
4) Aug 14 – LRP B Paddock
5) Sept 11 – LRP B Paddock
6) Oct 9 + Run Off – Hartford

Registration is open now at:  – or go to the CVR AutoX web Page for other helpful info:

Keeping your nose down is vital to entering a corner quickly. CVR’s May 8th AutoX will help you really feel the fine points of Weight Transfer with an AutoX-University course designed specifically to help you refine and master the subtleties of applying it.

New 2021 AutoX Class Structure. Continuing with the flexibility theme, CVR will be using the latest PCA Medium AutoX program class structure. This flows down from the 2021 Porsche Parade Autocross classes that the Tech Committee has been finalizing. As part of the PCA National Autocross Committee, I’ve been Zooming for months to update the corresponding; Large, Medium, and Small AutoX program classification structures. Since CVR and Zone 1 have found that the Medium grouping fits our AutoX programs the best, we will stay with that structure. Getting the classes updated is another sign of normalcy since it’s the first update since 2018 of what had traditionally been a yearly refresh. The new Medium AutoX program classification table will be published on our CVR AutoX Web page in the next few weeks, as soon as PCA National approves it. I’ll add an easy-to-follow introduction to help you quickly determine your updated 2021 car class.

“Others” should also keep their nose down! CVR’s updated car classes will continue to include our “Other” car class, the perfect place to teach your teen, family, or friends, real car control skills in their car.

CVR’s Championship AutoX Series overall points system provides you with a steadfast benchmark of your driving skill progression over the season and the years.

CVR AutoX events give you great ways to rapidly learn, refine, and benchmark your driving skills. First, the PCA car classes ensure that you will be grouped with similar performing cars. You will be playing with, and learning from, friends in very similar performing cars. What a blast! Second, CVR’s AutoX-University curriculum is structured to make that experience fun and fast with enthusiastic coaching from skilled AutoX Instructors. Third, CVR’s Championship AutoX Series overall points system provides you with a steadfast benchmark of your driving skill progression over the season and the years. Data shows there is no need for modifications to any Stock Porsche to achieve a Top-20 ranking for the season. Fourth, as you progress and achieve that Top-20 distinction, you also get the special opportunity to drive in the Hoffman Cup Run-Off event, the ultimate in fun benchmarking and further growth. That event is a unique opportunity to eliminate the car as a variable. Regardless of how you do, you are guaranteed to have a fantastic time being part of our famous CVR AutoX camaraderie and will leave with better skills than when you arrived.

CVR’s AutoX program is the very best form of Porsche Motorsports! Join the fun by signing up now for CVR’s first AutoX on May 8th ( ).

Hawaiian-Punch on ice! Our resident teen hot-shoe Tony Bogue has already come a long way on his driving skill journey in his first year. He used this winter to keep learning and to help a friend start his journey. Bring your teen, family, or friend to a CVR AutoX so they too can learn vital driving skills in a Porsche or an “Other” car!

CVR AutoX. “Better Driving…Faster!”

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